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Connect people to information and information technology, particularly to promote a just and equitable society [Information Organization and Access, Retrieval and Human Information Needs and Behaviors]

PLO 1.1 -- LRM-RDA assignment (LIS 641 - 01) | Fall 2020

This assignment showcases my knowledge of conceptual models, the entity-relationship model, and the differences between works, expressions, and manifestation. In particular, the assignment goes over LRM, FRBR, and RDA. These are foundational concepts and dominant frameworks that our current metadata infrastructure is built on. Understanding of these helps to show that one can work within these systems and also help to create new structures as information and user needs change and develop.



PLO 1.2 -- We Could Do Better Review and Games as Library programming during Social Distancing (LIS 610-31 and LIS 635-11) | Summer 2021 and Summer 2020

The first resource is an article review highlighting the problems in collection development, or lack of, when selecting materials for queer patrons. This demonstrates my critical thinking and application of ethics in collection development. The second is a collection developed to help libraries run tabletop gaming events during the height of the pandemic. These were free resources that could be used to maintain the library as a community hub and virtual gathering spot during this critical time.

PLO 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6  -- System Evaluation (LIS 640-02/03) | Spring 2020

In this assignment, I analyze the quality of a university's ILS/catalog. In this study, the Hollins University library catalog and website were examined. This evaluation entailed descriptive metadata, including holdings and comparisons with other library systems and catalogs. Additionally, I explore user tools, such as help resources, librarian contact options, and access to information beyond the catalog. The analysis also delves into organizational aspects, covering metadata issues, including imports, and the functionality of the ILS and LSP. Furthermore, I address human needs, including user requirements and accessibility considerations, particularly in this analysis those related to sensory issues for the autistic experience. Like in other sections, technology plays a central role through the examination of the ILS and other tools, like chatboxes, for their ability to facilitate connections and enhance the user experience.

PLO 1.7  -- Discussion Board 2 (LIS 640-02/03) | Spring 2020

In this discussion board, we explored the ethical aspects of information description and control. This discussion included racial organization under historic systems of Dewey, as well as the ethical considerations surrounding the description and access to indigenous works, which aren't always controlled by the respective groups themselves. Beyond this, I highlighted the responsibility of libraries to use ethical language as an institution associated with "true and correct information". Libraries can often rely on the guidance of national systems, such as Library of Congress, however these system are influenced by politics and can often move at glacial paces when it comes to change.

Assess and respond to the needs of diverse communities.

PLO 2.1 -- Ideate and Improve (LIS 685 - 01) | Spring 2022

My initial proposal formulated at the end of LIS-685 demonstrates planning, formulation, and initial testing of what would later evolve into my capstone project. This was done by working with interns, students at other universities, in addition to consulting with professionals in the field that have led similar projects. Beyond this testing, I discuss how this project is aligned with other initiatives at Hollins university, such as their GLAM concentration, and it's contribution to the university's overarching mission.



PLO 2.2 -- Capstone project midterm interview (LIS 698 - 01) | Fall 2023

For the midterm interview portion of my capstone, I consulted with my supervisor and supplied desired statistics regarding cataloging. Additionally, I consulted the students I work with, conducting interviews to gauge their thoughts and feelings on the position, work, workload, and related matters. This information was also shared to alleviate concerns about issues not represented in statistics. These findings were then shared to the full staff regarding my progress and statistics at a monthly staff meeting, connecting my project and it's findings and information to all who were directly and indirectly involved.

PLO 2.3, 2.4 -- Community and Autism: Cyber-organizing for the Autistic Community of Southwest Virginia

(LIS 668 - 01) | Fall 2021

The Autism Chat Group was created and designed to help provide a safe and welcoming space for communication for autistic adults in the Roanoke area during the COVID 19 pandemic. The area had a pre-existing lack of services for autistic adults, with challenges of sociality in this group exacerbating during this period. This project required extensive outreach efforts, including presentations to the Disabled Students Union at Hollins University, reaching out to student support offices at Hollins, and online and word-of-mouth advertising to attract autistic users of the Roanoke area.

Analyze problems and propose solutions through the application of evidence. [Evidence Based Practice]

PLO 3.1, 3.2 -- The Preservation of Trading Card Games: Community, Creation, and Participatory Culture 

(LIS 639 - 31) | Summer 2022

In my 639 research paper, I investigated the underrepresentation of Trading Card Games in information institutions. This research drove my argument of incorporating objects of "participatory culture" to more accurately portray the surrounding culture of games and other objects that produce subcultures. This would allow institutions to portray a more complete history of an object in it's wider cultural landscape.

PLO 3.3, 3.4 -- A Case for Video Games at an Academic Library:
An Analytic Research Proposal (LIS 600 - 01) | Fall 2019

My work for this assignment looked to use the patron-driven acquisitions model in tandem with video game events. The proposed project utilized surveys and event participation to gather evidence that would fuel the acquisitions data. This was to help provide a way for libraries to effectively build a more focused video games collection, recognizing the financial challenges building such a collection can bring.

Utilize instructional strategies and communication in both formal and informal interactions to increase information competence. [Instructional Communication]

PLO 4.1 -- A Vision for Student Work in Cataloging and Technical Services (LIS 685 - 01) | Spring 2022

This initial prototype for my capstone research significantly analyzed undergraduate student learning of cataloging. This was tested by lessons and assignments given to interns, as well as other students across various user groups at a large university, small private university, and community college. Additionally, the ease or difficulty of cataloging concepts and tasks were evaluated to inform the future curriculum and training used in my capstone work.

PLO 4.2, 4.3 -- Capstone work log (LIS 698 - 01) | Fall 2023

For the education of my student employees, I've utilized a mix of written instruction, over the shoulder education, and articles surrounding metadata and information theory. These are discussed in my capstone work log which includes links to other Google docs regarding information and discussions that were led. 

PLO 4.4 -- Ideate and Capstone project midterm interview (LIS 685 - 01 and 698 - 01) | Spring 2022 and Fall 2023

Both of these allowed me the opportunity to reflect on my teaching and assess what was working, what wasn't, and where improvements could be made. In the capstone preparation, I reviewed the teaching methodology used for internships I taught and its effectiveness, which were the prototype for the more permanent student positions I would create. These changes would be implemented in the position I designed for my capstone, which would be reflected upon with my supervisor for my midterm interview.



PLO 4.5 -- Reference Assignment Answers Week 10 (LIS 620 - 04) | Fall 2019

In LIS-620, as a weekly exercise, we would assign our classmates sample reference questions to provide answers for. In this practice exercise, the patron specifically asked for resources regarding "hiking and fishing in NC", I provided them call number ranges that focused on the general outdoors, camping, and trails near rivers and lakes, as the combination of "hiking and fishing" ruled out the usefulness of coastal related sources, with Appalachia related materials determined to be most in line with what the patron was actually looking for.

Advocate for public policies, laws, organizations, and resources that promote a just information society [Advocacy and Public Policy]

PLO 5.1, 5.4 -- Chapter lead presentation (LIS 650 - 02) | Spring 2021

My presentation focused on library ethics, including policy guidelines set by professional organizations such as the ALA. A portion of the presentation focused heavily on a censorship issue that occurred at my library, Hollins University, where our staff had to be assisted by the ALA and SAA to overturn a decision by the University president. This included the offering of legal assistance should our jobs be threatened. I used this example as a case study for the class to show the ways organizations can aid libraries during legal and ethical situations.

Annotated Bibliography


PLO 5.2 -- Managerial interview (LIS 650 - 02) | Spring 2021

My 650 interview with Luke Vilelle, the University librarian for Hollins, centered on poignant issues of the library's hardships and it's path forward from the COVID 19 pandemic. Taking place about a year after lockdown began, before vaccines and much aid had been rolled, libraries had to adapt to patron needs. The new, largely digital, landscape dominated the minds of librarians and most discussion in the field.

PLO 5.3 -- Pecha Kucha presentation on the Autism group (LIS 668 - 01) | Fall 2023

For my autism group and the Pecha Kucha presentation delivered on the subject, a significant amount of advocacy and outreach was required. The presentation served as a succinct pitch of the project to my class. Additionally, I engaged with local autistic residents who needed to be convinced to join. Finally, I met with the Disabled Students Union at Hollins and made attempts to reach out to other campus offices to advertise and garner partners for the project.



PLO 5.5 -- Community and Autism: Cyber-organizing for the Autistic Community of Southwest Virginia

(LIS 668 - 01) | Fall 2021

This group was able to promote access for autistic adults in an area where resources and opportunities are not plentiful. While this community chat room was not a substitute for therapy or other mental healthcare, the pandemic and isolation led to a lot of fear, anxiety, and lack of communication was damaging for those on the spectrum. The related job loss and poor mental healthcare coverage for many proved an economic barrier for many. For this issue, the group was created and successfully helped people build lasting friendships and connections and engage in socialization during this difficult time.

Embrace change to lead organizational innovation [Leadership, Innovation, and Management]

PLO 6.1 -- Inception, Ideate, Improve, Investigate, and Create (LIS 685 - 01) | Spring 2022

The design process is highlighted throughout the various steps of the "kickbox" project done in LIS-685. Throughout this project, beginning with an identified problem for which we formulate solutions, we iterate and refine the idea, consulting others and planning for possible outcomes. In the end, we take this idea to an actionable stage that we can pitch. What came about from this would be the project that would be my capstone, training undergraduate students in cataloging: an idea meant to answer the original problem of a labor shortage in Hollins University's tech services and metadata.






A Vision for Student Work



PLO 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 -- A Vision for Student Work in Cataloging and Technical Services (LIS 685 - 01), Capstone Worklog (LIS 698 - 01), and Capstone Proposal (LIS 698 - 01) | Spring 2022 and Fall 2023

My capstone project was planned with supporting other initiatives also taking place at Hollins University. The university had recently begun an undergraduate program for “GLAM” studies, so creating an opportunity for students to receive metadata education was a vital gap required for the success of our collective efforts. As a result of this metadata education has become a part of this department's mission (6.2).


As a supervisor, I have led these student workers and interns through newly created joint workflows. This includes reviewing each others' metadata output and students knowing when to pass off more difficult work to me. As a team, we have increased our departmental output and opened the possibilities of what quality and quantity of work a small university library can accomplish (6.3).

This accountability within our own record keeping has also extended to how I share our work outside the department. The successes of our students are shared to the various stakeholders within our library, such as our other library staff and others within the campus who utilize our metadata. The planning for how to develop this program was additionally highlighted within the project's proposal. I've followed this plan in many ways and adapted as necessary, with the aforementioned stakeholders in the proposal being consulted, updated, and the project itself being incredibly visible to these parties (6.4).

PLO 6.5 -- Case Study 4 (LIS 650 - 02) | Spring 2021

In this case study, my group and I analyzed a scenario in which an academic library could apply for grants and form a strong, long-term strategy to overcome and navigate a cut in government funding. We went over other proposed scenarios, like volunteers, joint grants, a café, and more that did not seem effective for this situation due to risk or lack of planning. This was accompanied by synthesis of several ideas but with more planning, an alternative solution for a worst-case scenario, and an analysis of library budget to help present a solution for this case study. 

PLO 6.6 -- Final Supervisor Interview (LIS 698 - 01) | Fall 2023

For my final supervisory interview, a large portion of the information that I was asked to provide was reflective of my own thoughts on the project. I discussed my thoughts about the future of this project and work, and discussed where I hope this project can go from here as I transition in to a professional position. In addition, we discussed my similar conversations with students, their thoughts, and where they would like to see growth in the project and areas they wish to attain further learning.

PLO 7 
Communicate and collaborate with colleagues and communities. [Communication and Collaboration]

PLO 7.1 -- Pecha Kucha presentation on the Autism group

For the Pecha Kucha presentation on the autism group, I shared results to my peers and answered questions regarding the project, the group, and its effectiveness. I was able to answer questions regarding privacy, activity, and future plans by classmates expressed interest. This communication was demonstrated during my meetings with the Disabled Students Union, to whom I gave a further presentation on the project.



PLO 7.2 -- Vision for Student Work in Cataloging and Technical Services (LIS 685 - 01) | Spring 2022

In preparation for my capstone, I reached out to other libraries that I saw similarly utilizing undergraduate student work in technical services. This led to me to contacting the head of metadata and cataloging at Kent State via email and organizing a zoom call with them. Through our conversations, we both saw things we were doing differently and I learned a lot about my work going forward and also, most importantly, that the work I was researching was possible.

PLO 7.3 -- Capstone Worklog (LIS 698 - 01) | Fall 2023

In my capstone, I've collaborated with undergraduate students to help create and adjust workflows that enable our students to accomplish higher level metadata tasks. These workflows have enabled the department to increase the quantity and quality of records that we create. This includes us engaging in co-operative cataloging, with student early on handling the creation of simpler elements with little encoding before passing off records to me for encoding-heavy fields and review. This allowed students to build experience and learn while adjusting to work within the department, and will be a model for training future students in the coming semesters.

PLO 7.4 -- Community and Autism: Cyber-organizing for the Autistic Community of Southwest Virginia

(LIS 668 - 01) | Fall 2021

Throughout my work with the autism chatroom, I looked for collaborative opportunities with local and campus organizations through which to advertise, gather feedback, and educate about the autistic experience. One group with which I was able to do some collaboration with was the disabled students union, advertising the group through them and providing a lecture for one of their monthly meetings.

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