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I'm Coleman, MLIS student at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro and Acquisition and Copy-Cataloguing for Hollins University.

Whether you are a potential employer, looking to work on a project with me, a student looking for assistance, or generally want to learn more about me, this website will provide you with information about myself, my work, and all manner of ways in which you can contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Most of my experience is in Technical Services, working with Acquisitions, Cataloguing, Metadata, and Technology. Outside of this, I am very interested and in film, games, and zines and ways to integrate those mediums into libraries, both in events and as collections.

Film and History are my main areas of study, and the bulk of my instruction experience is in that field. I am also an avid player of card games, board games, and video games.


If you are looking to create programming or collections for your library in these aforementioned areas, feel free to contact me. For more specifics please feel free to check my work experience and projects.

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